Carbon County Wins TAP Award for 3rd Consecutive Year


An unlisted agenda item was presented to the Carbon County Commissioners during the regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday. Doug Foulson, loss prevention manager, made a special trip to the area to present Carbon County with the 2017 Trust Accountability Program (TAP) award.

This award and particular program has been conducted as a way of helping trust members implement risk management and safety practices. Foulson informed the commissioners and listening crowd that this year marks the third consecutive year that Carbon County has earned the award. The third year marks the point that discount benefits are maximized, meaning that the county will receive cash awards and discounts in areas such as workers compensation premiums.

Foulson stated that the award is a very effective way of helping to not only control losses with individual members but pool-wide. In addition to benefiting the county as an individual member, the more that the county partners, the more options are opened for better insurance, premiums and the like. The award is given by monitoring areas such as reviews, lessons, safety trainings and driving records.

“We really appreciate the county’s participation in this program,” Foulson said.

Foulson then congratulated the staff for their involvement and explained that this year, the program also started an assessment on each individual application to monitor if requirements were being implemented at a higher standard. Foulson concluded by expressing his appreciation of the county’s partnership as well as the commissioner’s support of staff.

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