Emery County Commission Opens, Reviews and Awards Bids


The recent Emery County Commission meeting was full of bid openings on a variety of projects scheduled throughout the county.

Staker Parsons (Nielson Construction) was awarded the bid for the rehabilitation of the Millsite Dam. The bid was for $22,224,000.

Other bids opened and pending review are for the Adobe Wash Sediment Basin, Huntington Airport curator, Emery County ambulance billing and a consulting economic impact analyst.

Several bids were received, will be considered and awarded at the next commission meeting. Advertisement of bids for emergency watershed protection Orangeville flood control project was approved.

Approval was also granted for tax abatement on a parcel of land recently purchased by Huntington City and three scholarships to be awarded to motel owners/managers who apply to attend Go West Summit  in the amount of $7,185. This money comes from TRT funds.

Change orders for the emergency watershed protection were approved for over-runs in the amount of about $6,000. The Muddy Creek Irrigation Company letter and contract between the Emery County Sheriff’s Office and the State of Utah for court security were ratified.

Also announced at the meeting, commissioners changed the county’s health insurance plan to Fidelity. Their present plan, Companion, had rates that were increasing because of expenses, leading Jeff Kelsey to recommend the change.

The county will also be advertising bids for cleaning and a sound technician for the upcoming fair.

Emery County Sheriff Greg Funk announced a fundraiser on June 17 to help with medical expenses of Greg Jewkes’ daughter who recently had a liver transplant. This will be a golf tournament at Millsite Golf Course. He also reported about the rescue insurance card, which can be purchased online at Rescue.Utah.Gov for $25. The Utah Search and Rescue assistance card provides search and rescue services to cardholders while eliminating the liability to repay associated costs.

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