Emery County School District Approves Girl’s Soccer at Emery High


Wednesday evening, the Emery County School District hosted its regular board meeting at Canyon View Junior High School. At the meeting, Emery High School Principal Larry Davis approached the board asking them to consider adding girl’s soccer to the school.

Principal Davis explained to the board that there seemed to be many girls who were interested and eligible for girl’s soccer in the 2015-2016 school year. He also stated that adding girl’s soccer would bring the number of female participants in line with male participants in the Emery High programs. Emery High currently has 145 male participants and 118 female participants.

After discussing the pros and cons of adding the program and ensuring that funding would be available for it, the board approved the addition of girl’s soccer beginning in the 2015-2016 school year.

Principal Davis also asked the board to consider amending Policy JJIB: Interscholastic Athletics, High School Sports Program, which allows ninth grade students who attend San Rafael and Canyon View Junior High Schools to participate in the sports program at Emery High School, and to include ninth grade cheerleading as well.

This request was initiated by Monica Hansen and Shawnee Snow, Emery High cheer advisors. They are interested in building their cheer program as they seen a decline in numbers in recent years. By the end of the winter athletic season, Emery High only had 5-6 cheerleaders. Ninth grade students would still have the opportunity to try out for their junior high cheer squad.

After much discussion, the board approved the proposed amendment to include ninth grade girls’ participation in Emery High cheerleading.

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