Huntington Mayor Back at the Helm


By Julie Johansen

Huntington City Council members welcomed their mayor, LaMar Guymon, to the recent council meeting. Health reasons have kept the new mayor from attending meetings and conducting business for the city. He expressed his appreciation for the council members and the way they have accepted their responsibilities and helped with other city challenges. He was especially grateful to Leonard Norton for filling in for him.

The council voted unanimously to approve two resolutions; 3-2018, which rewrote the salary base resolution, and 4-2018, which addresses the clothing allowance for firemen in Huntington. Other business before the council was renting the old city hall to a full-time business for four months. This was defeated when called to a vote because council members felt the building needed to be available to more citizens.

Councilman Norton discussed concerns about water restrictions in the city. The city has many shares and felt that they did not need to enforce restrictions on the citizens. They did plan on asking the townspeople to be conservative and smart with the water this year.

A citizen asked the council for an opportunity to complete some community service hours helping the city maintenance crew. Councilman Oveson planned to meet the young man and outline jobs to be done. Tom Grimm explained plans for his company to repair concrete at the Lions park, cemetery and around the concession stand.

Councilwoman Gloria Wilson reported that some of the concrete at the Lions park will have to be replaced. Other things happening in Huntington City include the completion of the remainder of the wall at the cemetery, plans for Heritage Days and the rodeo as well as planting flowers in the planters on May 9.

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