Organizations Complete Rope Training in Emery County


Emery County Sheriff’s Office/Emergency Management hosted rope rescue training at three locations April 25-27, 2016.

Members of the Utah National Guard 85th WMD Civil Support Team participated for the fourth year in a row. Also training were rope team members from ECSO Search and Rescue, XTO Energy and PacifiCorp Huntington Power Plant. Carbon County Emergency Management also participated.

Training was coordinated by Captain Kyle Ekker with Ken Eley of Black Dragon Rescue Systems instructing. Day three training was held at Cow Canyon on the San Rafael Desert. Participants were divided into four working teams – top team, low angle team, vertical team and recon team.

For the rescue scenario, a live victim was placed several hundred feet down a steep slope with cliffs. The victim was administered an IV by medical personnel and packaged in a basket for extraction. Teams worked simultaneously setting up their rescue systems and equipment for a successful victim rescue. Communications were handled by Bret Mills, Emery County Communications Specialist and Sinbad Desert Amateur Radio Club.

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