Price City Gives Water Conservation Tips


Price City Press Release 


1) Trees. Root tips need water. The base of the tree does not need water. Water around the drip line located directly under the circumference of the tree (branches).

2) Down Spouts. Down spouts and other run off should be directed toward the lawn, shrubs, flowers and trees.

3) Drought Resistant Plantings. Less grass and more shrubs, wild flowers and rocks saves water and money. Try xeriscaping to save even more.

4) Watering Can. Use a watering can to water potted plants and small areas. Watering with a hose can waste water.

5) Sprinkler Fun. Let kids run through the sprinklers in an area where your lawn needs it the most. Use a single sprinkler head on the end of a hose.

6) Pets. Bathe your pets outside in an area that needs water.

7) Pool. If you are not using your pool, try covering it to prevent water evaporation and reduce heating costs and prevent injuries.

8) Water Test. You can set out a can to catch and measure water output from your sprinklers.

9) Plants. More plants die from overwatering than from under watering. Only water plants when they need it.

10) Drip Systems. Use drip systems and soaker hoses in the flower and vegetable gardens.

11) Fertilizer. Apply only the minimum amount of fertilizer. Less fertilizer will reduce water consumption.

12) Lawnmower. Adjust your lawnmower to a higher setting. Longer grass shades root, systems, keeps the ground cooler, minimizing evaporation and holds soil moisture better.

13) Hose Nozzle. Use a nozzle when washing a car. Shutting off the hose when it is not being used to save more than 100 gallons.

14) Screwdriver. A great tool to test the soil for moisture. If the screw driver goes in easily into the ground, it does not need water.

15) Mulch. Organic mulch around plants reduces evaporation. Use a drip system to save even more water.

16) Driveways. Sweep driveways with a broom, not the hose and water. It will save 80 gallons of water every time.

17) Make repairs. Check for leaks and fix them and keep the spray pattern off of the street and driveways.

18) Watering. Evaporation mitigation can be implemented by watering only in the early morning, evening or night when it is cooler.

We made it through the drought of 1992, we can do it again in 2015! Just slow the flow.

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