Price City to Build Fire Truck Annex


Officials announced at Tuesday’s Price City Council Meeting that FEMA awarded the Price City Fire Department $750,000 to build a new ariel tower.

The tower would stand 110 feet tall.

Although the grant was appreciated, it created a problem for local officials.

Fire Chief Paul Bedont said, “The problem is that we have no buildings large enough [to store] something like that.”

A large portion of the council meeting concentrated on possible places to house the new tower.

Councilmen decided the corner 80 N. 22 E., where the Sudsy Dudsy currently sits, would be the best place for a new building big enough to hold the tower. Price City currently owns the land plot.

Councilman Jeanne McEvoy raised some concerns about the location citing the power lines directly over the proposed building area.

Bedont agreed saying, “[The power lines] would make it harder for us to get where we needed to be if a fire ever occurred.”

Councilmen ultimately voted to approve the location for a new 50 X 20 foot-wide building.

Bedont liked the location because of its proximity to the current fire station.

“This will also allow us to pull out in front of the fire station,” Bedont said. “This way we can pick up the fire fighters and be off. It should be able to help us speed up our response time dramatically.”

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