Two Well-Deserved Individuals Given Carbon County Employee of the Month Awards


A special surprise was in order during the Wednesday evening Carbon County Commission meeting. As per usual, once monthly the employee of the month is announced. For the month of March, Carbon County Deputy Sheriff Mike Hreinson was chosen after being nominated by one of his co-workers.

Presented to Hreinson and the crowd by county HR Director Rose Barnes and Sheriff Jeff Wood, it was explained that one reason Hreinson was nominated was due to an incident that occurred on Sep. 12. A county deputy had received information from a criminal informant that a particular household was conducting the distribution of narcotics. This particular homestead was selling a large amount of heroin and profiting greatly each week.

Two simultaneous search warrants were served at the home. These warrants were served after Hreinson’s shift had ended. However, Hreinson stayed after to assist.

“It’s a pleasure to recognize Mike Hreinson,” Sheriff Wood said.

Hreinson is a SWAT trained deputy sheriff, and according to Sheriff Wood, there is nobody else that he would want making a safety plan. Sheriff Wood continued by stating that the incident was just one small example of the level of dedication that Hreinson has put toward the sheriff’s office; his customer service is exceptional, he always arrives to work with a smile, and is always the first to a scene and the last to depart, according to Wood.

However, the awards did not end with Hreinson. Unbeknownst to Rose Barnes, she was also selected to be the March employee of the month. Nominated by a coworker, the honor was sprung on Barnes due to her coworkers knowing she would not accept otherwise.

Presented to her by Kellie Payne, Barnes humbly accepted the title and thanked all, stating that the work that she does is her dream job and that she was in shock to receive the honor.

“We all know your job isn’t easy,” Payne said.

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